
Comic Book Review

Woodland Creatures #1

Published On: by Independent


Artist: Tomas Aira

Letterer: Gonzalo Duarte

Woodland Creatures 1 Cover Aira

Catch-up on Last Issue

In a world where almost all links with nature have been broken but the most primitive instincts of the human being prevail, who is the real predator?

They all hide one inside, but only some will want to control it.

In This Issue of Woodland Creatures #1

Someone is trying to weaponize werewolves, and Callie falls right into their trap.  She’s lead there by the blood traitor, Vincent.  Through his bond to Callie, Christopher rushes in to save the day, but the damage has been done.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

We get a few subplots but no solid B-story.  First issues are generally about world building and introducing a lot of characters.

The Comic's Themes

“Man is no man, but a wolf to those he does not know, ” Platus.

Do we all have a beast inside?  Can we learn to control it?  Are humans an less savage then their wolf counterparts. It’s solid werewolf territory.  Christopher would say yes.  Callie would say no.

How's Woodland Creatures #1's Writing?

The Dialogue

Cristina crafts fantastic dialogue for her characters.  Vincent is despicable, but I liked his odd human-inspired humor.  Callie speaks as woman torn between human and wolf.

Showing Versus Telling

Mid-story we get a flashback of Christopher’s time in the armed forces. He fought something back then, but was it human?  The flashbacks and scenes flow together seamlessly.  The plot moves in a way to show us what the lives of the werewolves are like.  It’s a great example of showing us (instead of having a random character talk about it).

The Vibe

Woodland Creatures reads just like a Patricia Briggs or Kim Harrison novel.  It’s good company to keep as both authors are excellent, and their worlds are all encompassing.

Comic Art Review

The art reminds me of Top Cow.  Years ago, Top Cow and EIDOS were publishing a Tomb Raider comic with art by Billy Tan. Tomas Aira’s art would fit right in at Top Cow.  Which makes sense because he’s a regular artist at Dark Horse.  It’s a realistic style, and it’s so good that he makes a black and white comic readable.

I’m not a huge fan of black and white comics.  It saves on the production costs, but generally the comic loses a lot without the color.  Color helps to set mood and location.  That’s not the case with Woodland Creatures #1.  Aira’s art is that good.

The Comic Panel by Panel

There are several action montages that work really well to convey the chaotic action.  My favorite happens at the party.

Woodland Creatures 1 Page
Woodland Creatures 1 Page

World Building

Our location is New York City so we see many real-world locations like the UN Building and Central Park.

Who's In This Issue of Woodland Creatures #1

- Callie
- Christopher Szilagyi
- Vincent
- Colonel Harris
- Natalie Mayr

The Big Question for Next Issue

Who's setting up the wolves and what's Natalie's angle?

Seriously? If you were gonna kill him, why'd you stop me?

Callie to Christopher

Who Will Like Woodland Creatures #1?

Twilight and Underworld fans are sure to enjoy Woodland Creatures.  Game of Thrones had a similar concept with the Wargs. Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson readers will be able to dive right into Woodland Creatures.  There are many shared powers between the wolves in both series.

I Need More Content like Woodland Creatures #1

You are in luck.  Woodland Creatures Volume 2 is available today.  Starting in May 2022, Volume 3 is under development.  Check out the Woodland Creatures Kickstarter page to become a patron.

More Reviews

Woodland Creatures #2

What was I missing?

I think we’ll learn more in volume 2, but I could have used a character resource page at the end of volume 1.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

I've been watching Woodland Creatures on Twitter for a while now. The author Cristina Roswell is wonderfully active promoting the comic. I'm glad I bought Woodland Creatures. I like the world and the concept. Volume 2 is on my read list for later this week.

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