
Comic Book Review

Woodland Creatures #2

Published On: by Independent


Artist: Tomas Aira

Letterer: Gonzalo Duarte

Woodland Creatures 2 Cover Tomas Aira

Catch-up on Last Issue

Last issue Callie and Christopher were blindsided by Colonel Harris who wants to forcibly recruit the lycans to his military service.

In This Issue of Woodland Creatures #2

Returning to Alaska with Christopher and Callie, we learn about Callie’s backstory. Several terrible events have molded Callie into the woman she is today. Christopher seems to step on “metaphorical landmines” with every decision he makes.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

Natalie continues to insert herself into Christopher’s life. She’s either a naïve pawn or has other plans.

Woodland Creatures 2 Page 2
Woodland Creatures 2 Page 2

The Comic's Themes

Are we born hundred percent fully developed as a person or are we shaped and changed by our environment. Callie’s life is the case study. She was born with the power of the lycans, but lacked any connection to the land. Can she overcome her personal history to become something more?

How's Woodland Creatures #2's Writing?

The Dialogue

All of the characters have a distinct voice. Callie’s young and angry. Christopher has the burden of leadership. Grandpa Charles seems happy. Clara shows her years of wisdom. It’s all done through the dialogue.

Showing Versus Telling

Woodland Creatures #2 is a perfect example of showing us what’s happening. From the montage of Callie’s past to her working with the Tribe, it’s all visual.

The Vibe

Woodland Creatures could easily transition from comic book to television screen. It has the right elements and scope to fit any medium that allows for episodic chapters.

Comic Art Review

Tomas Aira’s artwork continues to wow this issue. Looking at the panels reminds me of Barry Windsor-Smith’s work on Conan and Wolverine with strong lines and detailed backgrounds. There’s strong character acting and fantastic facial expressions. During the flashback of their first meeting, look at the body language between Christopher and Callie. The smile. The hand placement and head tilt. Grandpa Charles sees it too.

The Comic Panel by Panel

The panel work is all four to six panel spreads making Woodland Creatures #2 an easy read. Aira’s camera work really shines through again. He takes what could be boring talking heads and positions the camera to bring a strong dynamic to every comic page panel.

Woodland Creatures 2 Page 1
Woodland Creatures 2 Page 1

World Building

In volume two, we spend time around the Tongass National Forest, Alaska, Callie’s Mother’s house in Petersburg, and the Tribe’s Village, Tongass Forest.

Who's In This Issue of Woodland Creatures #2

- Calliope (Callie)
- Christopher
- Grandpa Charles Conway
- Colonel Harris
- Natalie Mayr
- Mom, Donna
- Jesse, Gordon and Clara from the Tribe

The Big Question for Next Issue

What's Colonel Harris' next move? Does he use the events of Woodland Creatures 1 and 2 to his advantage.

If you don't let me help you, everything will have been for nothing. They will exile you.

Jessie to Callie

Who Will Like Woodland Creatures #2?

There’s a strong Stumptown vibe to Woodland Creatures #2. The atmospherics and the drama seem similar between both stories.

I Need More Content like Woodland Creatures #2

At the end of Woodland Creatures 2 is a ‘Did You Know…?” section that explains the origins of the Amaroq and the Tlingit. Our suggestion: read it before jumping into issue 2. It will add depth to the story.

The Woodland Creatures Kickstarter is beginning in May 2022. If you like volume 2, be sure to pitch in for volume 3.

More Reviews

Woodland Creatures #1

What was I missing?

Color. Check out the cover in color. The interior comic book pages would have gone from 9 to a 10 with the right colorist using the woodland setting to influence how the light landed on the scenes.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

Woodland Creatures #2 filled in all the things I was missing from issue 1. Who are Callie and Christopher? How did they meet? Why was Callie running around New York doing questionable things. We get to meet family and see her place of origin. It's an excellent issue, and I can't wait for volume 3.

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