
Comic Book Review

Basilisk 11

Published On: by Boom Studios


Artist: Jonas Scharf

Colorist: Alex Guimarães

Letterer: Ed Dukeshire

Basilisk 11 Cover

Catch-up on Last Issue

In Basilisk #10, Hannah (with the help of Regan) survived an attack from the faithful.  The question remains who was Barret’s sacrifice?  The faithful, Hannah, or didn’t it matter as long as someone died?

In This Issue of Basilisk 11

Since the very beginning, Basilisk has had two types of artwork — a painted style and a drawn style.  This issue the painted style takes the pole position as we learn what happened when the Chimera’s chosen first entered the path.  Regan and Vanessa share thoughts about what’s to come.  Vanessa cuts lose with the Chimera’s power. Hannah weighs Barret and finds he’s as mad as they come.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

We get a new character in the form of the restaurant owner.  Much like the nurse last issue, he may be a nobody.  That said, he did get a lot of attention.  Will he be Hannah’s angel in disguise?

Basilisk 11 P 3
Basilisk 11 P 3

How's Basilisk 11's Writing?

The Dialogue

Cullen Bunn has been a master at giving us just enough details about the Chimera to maintain the mystery of the creature. Even with this issue’s reveal of the Chimera backstory, there’s still a bit of mystery left. I’m hopeful we’ll see the last totem open revealing the monster inside.

Showing Versus Telling

Basilisk #11 could have been a lot of telling us what happened. Instead, we’re shown how the Chimera’s chosen gained their powers.  It was a great bit of storytelling with elements of horror mixed in.

The Vibe

‘Pure horror movie’ best describes this issue. When the Chimera’s chosen survive the encounter with powers intact, it is a horror fans favorite nightmare. Seeing Vanessa cut loose gives us the five-senses horror elements this series is known for.

Comic Art Review

Jonas Scharf has always been a pull for Basilisk.  He’s a power-house artist. Basilisk #11 gives him a lot of material to work with from talking heads in a restaurant to Vanessa letting loose with the Chimera power at the camp.  The Chimera path and totems are alien.  One of my favorite visual motifs is the swirls that appear whenever Vanessa uses her power.

Alex Guimaraes uses color to help us navigate from scene to scene.  Vanessa is in greys.  Regan is all blues (like her sight power). Hannah and Barret are in yellows at the restaurant. As we get to the restaurant and our storylines converge, we get a merging of the colors. The lights of the restaurant mingling with the blues of the night to create green.  Vanessa using all of the Chimera’s powers blending green, yellow, grey and blue.

The Comic Panel by Panel

For Basilisk, Ed Dukeshire has developed a visual language around the speech bubbles.  We have square and cursive style letters for Hannah’s thoughts.  We have broken, odd shaped mental bubbles from the Chimera thoughts. There are bordered round telepathy bubbles when Regan or Vanessa use their mental power.  Lastly, there’s standard word balloons.  Inside the speech bubbles, give close attention to the bold words and small fonts for whispers.  All of it creates a cohesive reading experience.

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Basilisk 11 P 6

World Building

  • The Chimera Camp
  • A restaurant

Who's In This Issue of Basilisk 11

- The Chimera's Chosen (in flashback)
- Vanessa
- Regan
- Barret
- Hannah
- Chimera Camp staff and clones

The Big Question for Next Issue

What's in the remaining totem? What happened to the other creatures in the totems?

He's mad, of course. As much a victim as he is a monster.

Hannah about Barret

Who Will Like Basilisk 11?

In addition to the standard horror elements, Basilisk #11 gives us an alien world on Chimera path. It’s a touch of science fiction and enough to grab fans of sci-fi horror.

I Need More Content like Basilisk 11

Check out Jonas Scharf on Instagram account.

More Reviews

Basilisk #10 Basilisk #9

What was I missing?

I’d like to know the backstory about Boom Studios and Basilisk.  This comic series hasn’t received an update on their website in months.  It’s difficult to find any news beyond the first few issues.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

This was talking-heads issue. We needed it to fill in some of the details about the Chimera. The show-down between Vanessa and Regan is coming. Buy this issue to learn what you need moving to the end of the series.

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