
Comic Book Review

Savage Hearts #2

Published On: by Dark Horse Comics LLC


Artist: Jed Dougherty

Colorist: Lovern Kindzierski

Letterer: Taylor Esposito

Savage Hearts 2 Cover

Catch-up on Last Issue

Peter & Mary Jane. Clark & Lois. Bronwyn & Graow. Comics gets its new favorite couple in this jungle fantasy romantic comedy from Aubrey Sitterson (No One Left to Fight, The Comic Book Story of Professional Wrestling) and Jed Dougherty (Worlds’ Finest, Harley Quinn).

In This Issue of Savage Hearts #2

Our adventurerers, Bronwyn the Barbarian, Fo and Pheaux (treasure hunters), and Graow (our love-smitten guide), continue traveling through the jungle looking for the sorcerer Lord Tretch. Despite Graow’s assistance, they do find Tretch, but the battle doesn’t go as expected. After a quick retreat, the team stumbles into more trouble.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

Fo and Pheaux may be the most fun part of Savage Hearts. The married couple is doing their best to connect Graow and Bronwyn, but their skills may not be up for the task.

The Comic's Themes

Can two people grow to love each other or is it always love at first sight? Fo and Pheaux seem to believe in the first. Bronwyn’s attitude and actions suggest love at first sight.

How's Savage Hearts #2's Writing?

The Dialogue

From the first words on page 2 to the end, every character sounds great. Don’t miss the introduction by Billy Von Katz on page 2. It’s a fun recap of issue #1.

Comic Art Review

Jed’s character designs carry Savage Hearts. From the flying birds, to the ravenous reptiles, to the temples and treasure, everything matches perfectly. Lovern’s colors set the scenes, locations, and lighting. When Bronwyn and Graow are talking in a pit trap, all of the colors take on a blue cast. It’s subtle and exactly how it should be.

The Comic Panel by Panel

The lettering in Savage Hearts #2 by Taylor Esposito is a treat. Dotted balloons for whispers. Fun lettering for sound effects. “Thwooof”, “FFFZAKT”, “Shoooooof”, “Dink”, “Dink”, obviously we’re on an adventure with lots of action.

Savage Hearts 2 Interior 2
Savage Hearts 2 Interior 2

World Building

Locations play a big part of Savage Hearts #2. The jungle setting provides us with several comedic beats. The temple provides fun and character development. The creatures are integral in moving the plot forward.

Who's In This Issue of Savage Hearts #2

Bronwyn - our barbarian
Graow - lonely beastman
Pheaux - husband
Fo - wife
Lord Tretch - evil sorcerer

Good. Then I won't feel bad about this.


Who Will Like Savage Hearts #2?

If you enjoy your action on the lighter side mixed with many pratfall jokes, Savage Hearts #2 is for you.

I Need More Content like Savage Hearts #2

You can find more of Jed Dougherty’s art on his Deviant Art page

More Reviews

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Should You Buy This Comic Book?

Buy it. Savage Hearts #2 was just as good as issue #1. Fo and Pheaux steal every scene they are in.

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