
Comic Book Review


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Artist: Rengin Tumer

Colorist: Rengin Tumer

Letterer: Rengin Tumer

Netherrealms 1 Cover

Catch-up on Last Issue

To read the Netherealms comic, you need to visit one of the main web comic websites. Athena Essentials recommends Netherrealms on Tapas.io.

In This Issue of Netherrealms

In the Netherrealm’s prologue pages, we are introduced to Red and Blue, cosmic entities on a mission to find a girl among the millions of humans on the Earth.  To interact with the physical world, Red and Blue need human bodies to possess. Enter Sam.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

Reviewing the Netherrealms website, Nergui’s and Zara’s stories are yet to be told.  Once we move through the prologue, I expect that we’ll flip from Red and Blue to the main cast.


The Comic's Themes

If you were faced with your death, would you be quick enough to buy yourself more time?  Sam clearly was.

How's Netherrealms's Writing?

The Dialogue

The dialogue between Red and Blue is an instant hit. They are brothers, and the words they use clue you into that relationship.  On page 9, you can almost hear the sigh when Blue says, “He is my brother.” Translation, I know he’s an idiot but what can you do. 🙂

Comic Art Review

Rengin Tumer is a professional illustrator, and it shows on every panel of Netherrealms.  The art has a strong animated style to it.  The characters are expressive.  The coloring and lighting are very strong.  The pacing just right.

The Comic Panel by Panel

The first thing you’ll notice about Netherrealms is the intricate linework on the characters.  It’s mixed with an animation style to give Netherrealms an almost old school Dreamwave Productions vibe.  The panels use scene lighting to emphasize location and time of day.

There’s solid lettering and to my amazement for a web comic, sound effects.

Netherrealms 1 P6
Netherrealms 1 P6

World Building

The lore of Netherrealms is exceptionally deep.  You can find the details of the characters and worlds by visiting the official website.

Who's In This Issue of Netherrealms

- Red
- Blue
- Sam

The Big Question for Next Issue

What happens in four months that Sam was given an extension?

We will fulfill a dying wish of your choosing.


Who Will Like Netherrealms?

“Sandman meets Disney” is the catch phrase you’ll hear creator Rengin say on her Twitch channel, and it fits. If you watched the Netflix Sandman series, you’ll see some coincidentally similar themes.

I Need More Content like Netherrealms

There is a lot of Netherrealms content available online.

Support the artist by buying Netherrealms merchandise or Rengin artwork from Gumroad.

More Reviews

Have any fantasy suggestions?

Email info( at ) athenaessentials.com

What was I missing?

We need more pages.  As fans, we can make that happen by supporting Netherrealms through the Patreon account. More sponsors means more pages at a faster rate. It’s a simple equation.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

Jump over to Tapas and start following Netherrealms. The list of great things in this web comics is a long one. Although you can read it for free online, we suggest contributing to the comic through the Netherrealms Patreon account. It's worth every dollar.

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