
Comic Book Review

The Magic Order Vol.2 #6

Published On: by Image Comics


Artist: Stuart Immonen

Colorist: David Curiel

Letterer: Clem Robins

The Magic Order 2 6 Cover 2

Catch-up on Last Issue

Feast your eyes on two comic book masters at work as Mark Millar and Stuart Immonen bring Volume 2 to a close! The world has been taken by the other side, the Magic Order scattered to the winds, and there’s only one person who can help them — an unlikely ally you never saw coming.

In This Issue of The Magic Order Vol.2 #6

Prepare yourself for a roller-coaster ending to the Magic Order Volume 2. There are at least two plot twists you won’t see coming and aren’t likely to guess. We wrap up the storyline of Soren and the dark magic (plus several other plot threads). There was a huge build-up to ‘what’s Cordelia going to do for her magic act’? I’ve read this issue six times, and I don’t feel like we answered the magic act subplot satisfactorily.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

There’s a scene in issue #1 of a man in bed surrounded by creatures of all kinds. It was visually stunning. There’s a cool call-back to that image in this issue that serves to fill in more bits of Magic Order history.

The Comic's Themes

Can you change the past? How do you live with the consequences of your decisions? In Volume 1, Cordelia unleashed a terrible curse. In Volume 2, we were supposed to see the ramifications of that. While we did, I felt like the series of events in Volume 2 of the Magic Order would have happened without the curse from Volume 1. We were supposed to see bad things, but Viktor’s attacks felt unrelated.

How's The Magic Order Vol.2 #6's Writing?

The Dialogue

I enjoyed the flashbacks for filling in the history of the Magic Order, but it would have been a nice extra to give the history dialogue a bit of Shakespeare. Modern curse words in ancient mouths just doesn’t sound right. In the present, the dialogue is solid.

Showing Versus Telling

I’m hopeful we’ll get more character development in Volume 3 as many characters have interchangeable dialogue in Volume 2.

The Vibe

There was so much action in this volume that it left very little time for us to learn who our team is.

Comic Art Review

Stuart Immonen is the reason I’m still reading this series. Following Olivier Coipel (from Volume 1) was not an easy task, but Stuart draws really nice comics. There was a lot of grisly stuff in this issue, and he drew it in all its disgusting glory. There’s a fluidity to the spell work that helps build the energy.

The Comic Panel by Panel

One of the many reasons I enjoy Stuart Immonen’s art is the wide-screen design ethic he brings to every comic. We get six splash pages. Most pages are four to six panels with depth built in. The coloring by David Curiel works. You’ll see throughout the issue that he uses the magic energy as a light source illuminating the caster and their surrounding in hues to match.

Magic Order Page
Wide screen. Big action panels

World Building

We visit all our favorite Magic Order places in this issue including the Order’s castle and the Abington Hotel. There’s a reference to the Outer Dark that’s the start of building a framework of magical places.

Who's In This Issue of The Magic Order Vol.2 #6

- Cordelia
- Rosie
- Viktor
- Original Magic Order
- Current Magic Order
- Soren Korne

The Big Question for Next Issue

Where do we go from here? Volume 1 gave us a family story. Volume 2 showed us the Order's history. What will Volume 3 focus on?

"A magician never reveals her secrets just remember the script for this time next week."


Who Will Like The Magic Order Vol.2 #6?

Fans of Harry Potter, Stranger Things, or any of the recent magic in modern day television series will enjoy The Magic Order Volume 2 #6.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

I saw the words "extra-length grand finale" and immediately thought "sixty-pages". It wasn't sixty pages. The finale felt very Star Trek Voyager; 55 minutes of build-up with a five-minute resolution.

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