Kickstarter : City of Mist Local Legends

City of Mist returns with a new book, Local Legends, launching on Kickstarter this February!

Local Legends will expand on existing districts, add new districts, and include a one-shot case in each of the 8 (or more) districts, with the 8th district up for backers vote!

Are you a past backer? Check out our Kickstarter updates for specific details. Never backed City of Mist before? Get ready!

More Details about City of Mist Local Legends

Local Legends will include eight expansion districts for City of Mist that will send your crew on a spree of urban adventures and gripping side quests, battling against the City’s street-level gods and monsters, while exploring its unique communities and subcultures.

Each City district details everything you need to introduce it into your game:

  • A District Map
  • New Theme Kits for creating your own local heroes hailing from this district, gaining skills and contacts from living in the district, or equipping your existing characters with the district’s Relics and mythical powers
  • Special rules including New Themebooks that tailor abilities and gameplay for that district, such as the heist rules in Fortune Row, or the Tradition themebook in Chinatown
  • Places of Interest, from the public to the mysterious, from the mundane to those touched by goddesses, urban legends, and famous literary characters
  • Locals, from helpful neighborhood NPCs to myth-powered villains and monsters that plague the district streets, including legendary alter-egos and unique abilities, their motives, backstories, connections to the community, and story seeds
  • Danger profiles for dangerous locations, individuals, and situations in the district
  • A one-shot case (adventure) to get you started off in the District!

Previously published districts will be revised and expanded with additional content, as well as receive their own new case.