
Comic Book Review

The Mighty Thor #8

Published On: by Marvel


Artist: Russell Dauterman

Colorist: Matt Wilson

Letterer: VC's Joe Sabino

Mighty Thor 8 Cover Alt 1

Catch-up on Last Issue

Last issue we were introduced to the Avengers 1000 AD as Thor Odinson and Bodolf the Viking fought their way around the world. Dario Agger and Loki make a deal to provide Dario with his own mystic army. See our full review of The Mighty Thor #7.

In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #8

As if answering my big question from last issue, we find out that Jane has been saving people and the world on a regular basis. We get peaks into events outside of the Mighty Thor. Loki was running for president or secret agent. Shield makes trouble for Jane Foster. The One Percent make trouble for Dario Agger. Agent Solomon from Shield gets some screen time.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

Keeping a secret identity while being a high profile super hero is never easy. Jane learns that the hard way as she struggles with Thor, cancer, and politics on Asgardia. Oubliette Midas and Silver Samurai make their move against Roxxon.

Mighty Thor 8 Page 3
Mighty Thor 8 Page 3

The Comic's Themes

There’s a running theme in this arc about trust. Who can you trust and what does it take to build trust. Jane and Agent Solomon has shared history in Broxton, but don’t really know each other. With the other Shield agents making trouble for Jane, she could use a friend in Shield. Dario clearly can’t trust his partners in the One Percent any more than he can trust the Dark Council. Trust is a two-way street, and Dario hasn’t been completely truthful with his allies.

How's The Mighty Thor #8's Writing?

The Dialogue

When you get to the One Percent, the dialogue by Jason Aaron is pitch perfect. I could read any passage to you (without the pictures) and you could tell me which of the One Percent said the words. That’s great dialogue. I enjoyed Dario’s reaction to the One Percent. He’s not in their league, but he doesn’t know it.

Showing Versus Telling

It looks like this arc is going to focus on Dario Agger. Until now, he’s been a two-dimensional were-villain. His power is to transform into the avatar of the Minotar. He’s kept Roxxon focused on becoming something more. It’s nice to see him get additional screen time where we aren’t just reading about Roxxon, but we’re seeing Darrio in action.

The Vibe

There’s a different vibe about The Mighty Thor #8. It reads a bit like a Men-in-Black episode or a crime drama. It’s a good change and allows us to see more of Jane Foster’s world and characters.

Comic Art Review

Designing super hero costumes is a difficult job. There’s a fine line between cool and odd. Ms. Midas’ costume falls on the wrong side of that line. She has an odd pain motif that marks her as a villain. Complementing the words of the One Percent are their facial expressions — cool, detached, angry, and murderous. Pay special attention to Agent Solomon’s infiltration of the One Percent board room. It’s all done with color thanks to Matt Wilson. Jane’s transformation into Lady Thor is also a visual delight of color and etheric wonderfulness.

The Comic Panel by Panel

Check out pages 2, 3 and 4. Ignore the main content. Look at the negative space and follow the rainbow bridge as it flows across panels and pages. It’s fun panel work like this that makes Russell Dauterman’s run on The Mighty Thor a classic.

We have a lot of exposition happening in this issue of The Mighty Thor, and Joe Sabino keeps it all organized with different types of word and thought bubble balloons. He have Jane’s thoughts with the ribbon. There are location tool tips with Thor’s hammer symbol. We have standard word bubbles and transition word bubbles. The typographic bible is so tight, you won’t miss a thing.

Mighty Thor 8 Page 2
Mighty Thor 8 Page 2

World Building

World building is more than just places around the universe, it’s also about the things. Last issue we had the debut of the Avengers 1000 AD. This issue we are introduced to the group meeting of the 1 Percent of the 1 Percent (which could use a better nickname). This group of power brokers seeks to control the world at the financial level. It’s a collection of heavy-hitters from across the Marvel universe (including the Shi’ar).

Who's In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #8

- Agent Kurdel, Shield
- Agent Krill, Shield
- Tiberius Stone, Alchemax
- Sebastian Shaw
- Darron Cross
- Ezekiel Stane
- Shingen Harada
- Drr'dox
- Whilhelmina Kensington
- Wilson Fisk
- Dario Agger
- Jane Foster, Lady Thor
- Agent Solomon
- Oubliette Midas

The Big Question for Next Issue

Who is Oubliette Midas and what does she want?

Right now the Earth doesn't need a sickly doctor from Staten Island. It needs the Goddess of Thunder.

Jane talking to herself.

Who Will Like The Mighty Thor #8?

Anyone that enjoys seeing the characters of the entire Marvel universe overlap and interact with each other will really like this issue. Marvel has always done an excellent job of cameos. Bringing the One Percent into The Mighty Thor is a good example.

I Need More Content like The Mighty Thor #8

Fans of the Brothers Hildebrandt can find more visual goodness on their official website.

French illustrator Marguerite Sauvage has an active presence on Art Station, Instagram and Twitter. As you prepare for Thor Love and Thunder, be sure to look at their amazing art.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

Creating Thor-level villains isn't easy. Thor is a cosmic level super hero. Thor Odinson's and Lady Thor's villains need to possess something that puts them in Thor's league. I'm interested in determining if street level thugs like the One Percent can compete against Lady Thor as a credible threat. They have worldly power. Is it enough to beat Uru and lightning? Buy this issue and let's find out together.

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