
Comic Book Review

The Mighty Thor #3

Published On: by Marvel


Artist: Russell Dauterman

Colorist: Matt Wilson

Letterer: VC's Joe Sabino

Mighty Thor 3 Cover Alt Simone Bianchi

Catch-up on Last Issue

In issue #2 of The Mighty Thor, after being beaten by the Thunder Guard and nearly losing her head, Lady Thor was confronted by Loki and the armies of Malekith. Read the full review of The Mighty Thor #2.

In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #3

It’s the battle we’ve been waiting for, Lady Thor versus Loki.  It’s not exactly a brother-brother battle (or a sister-sister battle), but it is all fun.  Malekith’s plan to conquer Alfheim moves forward with Loki keeping Lady Thor busy.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

Something is wrong with Odin. He’s always been a bit stubborn, but in The Mighty Thor #3 he’s taking out his anger with the Congress of Worlds on his wife Freyja. The queen and the king of the Asgardians are not seeing eye to eye.

The Comic's Themes

There’s been an ongoing theme with Loki.  Who is he?  Is he evil or just troubled?  In the scene with all the Loki’s we’re given a visual on how evil Loki can be.  Several of the Lokis are much more evil than our current incarnation.  Yet last issue, Loki had no trouble corrupting the ice giants.

How's The Mighty Thor #3's Writing?

The Dialogue

Sticking with the Loki variants, every Loki has their own manner of speaking.  The tone is unique, and there’s no doubt about each Loki’s motivations.  We also get a sneak peak into Jane’s thoughts with her inner monologue. “Maybe I was better off when I was being kidnapped.”  Jane and Loki have their own history.  Loki doesn’t know who Lady Thor is under the helmet, but Jane hasn’t forgotten what he did to her.

Showing Versus Telling

In the scene with all the Loki’s, we’re given a visual on how evil Loki can be.  By showing easily recognizable Loki, we can focus in on each one and learn more about them.  There’s an interesting exchange between one of the Kid Loki and current Loki. Give it special attention as Lauffey said something similar last issue.

The Vibe

This one is pure comic book smash them up goodness.  It’s really a one-room, one-act play with all the focus on Lady Thor and Loki.

Comic Art Review

Check out page 2. Is that Tom Hiddleston drawn in Dauterman style? There’s something about the eyes. A few pages later, we get this great grouping of Loki’s including a few favorites like Kid Loki and Lady Loki (when Loki was in the body of Sif).

The Comic Panel by Panel

Last issue we mentioned how Matthew Wilson uses a different color magic for each character.  In The Mighty Thor #3, he extends that and gives each Loki their own color.  The fun is in the details.  Check out Russell’s facial expressions this issue.  You’ll find hatred, loathing, sarcasm and uh-oh over the span of a few panels.

Joe Sabino brought the fun this issue. Sound effects.  Gaaarrrghhh, krakoooms, hssssssss and more.  The correct sound effect can be just as powerful as color in an action scene.

Mighty Thor 3 Page 1
Mighty Thor 3 Page 1

World Building

Giant bats and Roxxon bombs.  If that doesn’t bring a smile to your face from the sheer coolness factor, nothing ever will.

Who's In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #3

- Jane Foster
- Loki
- Lauffey
- Malekith
- Lady Freyja
- Odin

The Big Question for Next Issue

When Jane stops holding her hammer, she transforms back to human. She drops it at a really bad time. How will she survive?

"If anyone's going to murder this pretty little Thor, I believe we can all agree, it should be me."

Lady Loki

Who Will Like The Mighty Thor #3?

Long after this issue was published, we got the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Disney+ Loki show.  This issue may have been a blueprint for much of what we saw.

I Need More Content like The Mighty Thor #3

If you haven’t read it, Marvel published a Loki centric series.  It spans the adventures from Kid Loki to his current incarnation.  You don’t need to read it, but I found it to be helpful.

What was I missing?

I never liked the Lady Loki storyline. It was icky to have Loki in the body of Sif on many, many levels.  I did enjoy Lady Loki and Lady Thor fighting.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

It feels like the story really takes off with The Mighty Thor #3. The fight between Loki and Thor is worth every penny. Buy it.

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