
Comic Book Review

The Mighty Thor #19

Published On: by Marvel


Artist: Valerio Schiti

Colorist: Mat Lopes

Letterer: VC's Joe Sabino

Mighty Thor 19 Cover

Catch-up on Last Issue

THE ASGARD/SHI’AR WAR COMES TO A FIERY CONCLUSION! The gods of the Shi’ar make their final play against Thor and her allies! With the Phoenix Force unleashed, it’s up to Quentin Quire to quell its destructive power… if he feels like it. Odinson has returned – but what awaits him in the war-torn Asgardia?

In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #19

At the conclusion of the Challenge of the Gods, the Phoenix Force entered the battle with the Asgardians and Shi’ar forces.  Everything the heroes tossed at the Phoenix failed.  The Phoenix confronts Jane directly looking to obtain a boone.  The scene between Jane Foster and the Phoenix Force may be my most favorite scene of the Phoenix ever written and illustrated.  We get glimpses into the Phoenix’s motivations and fears. We see Jane at her most heroic facing the truth about her cancer and Mjolnir.  The Phoenix is regal.  Jane is heroic. Everything is on fire.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

We have many b-stories in this issue.  We have the conclusion to the long running story about Jane as a member of the Congress of Worlds.  Cul made a big push to remove Jane. She outsmarts him.

Loki and Malekith seek the aid of a powerful ally for their War of the Realms.

Odin and Lady Freya are still in seclusion as he tries to heal her after Loki’s poison knife attack.

And, the Mangog is coming.

Mighty Thor P4
Mighty Thor P4

The Comic's Themes

This is the last issue of the Shi’ar Asgard War.  Throughout we have been shown the meaning of unworthiness as it relates to Marvel comics gods.  In The Mighty Thor #19, the ultimate Chaos god, the Phoenix Force, shows that it’s above worthiness.  Jane shows us why she’s worthy to carry the mighty Mjolnir.

How's The Mighty Thor #19's Writing?

The Dialogue

Despite several characters having similar personalities, Jason Aaron still gives them unique things to day. Quentin’s all about his connection to the Phoenix.  The Shi’ar gods are full of themselves.  Cul believes he’s won the day.  The narrator closes the story with epic words befitting the scope of the Shi’ar and Asgard War.

Showing Versus Telling

This issue is even more jam-packed with scenes that show us the action.  We have eight locations and every scene shows us more of the story.

The Vibe

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King had four endings too. It’s the only way to wrap-up both a multi-part story and many of the storylines from previous issues.  All of this is in preparation for the next big story.

Comic Art Review

We have two stunning artists in The Mighty Thor #19, Russell Dauterman draws part one — the conclusion to the war.  Varlerio Schiti draws the multiple ending scenes that wrap up or push forward the b-stories.  It was a good way to split the issue.

Add Varlerio to the list of artists that can draw the Phoenix correctly — fiery, three-dimensional and explosive.  He has a heavier line style than Russell, but they both draw expressive faces.  This is the most evil we’ve seen Shadrak.  The god of incense and incarceration has no more patience for the Shi’ar gods and their constant pettiness.  There’s just a quick panel of Malekith, but I really like the character’s body dimensions and overall look.

Their styles aren’t compatible, but they are both so good at drawing it’s easily overlooked.

The Comic Panel by Panel

We start The Mighty Thor #19 with the same fire border panels as last issue. It was cool then.  It’s even better in this issue. The final full page panel of the Phoenix and Jane scene has so much goodness.  Look at Matt’s colors.  Follow the curves as we transition from White Hot Room to Shi’ar space. By contrast, the White Hot Room has rectangle panels without borders.  The art team jumps back and forth between locations just by switching out the panels.

Mighty Thor P20
Mighty Thor P20

World Building

  • White Hot Room
  • Shi’ar space
  • Omnipotence City
  • Asgardia
  • Congress of Worlds Chambers
  • Muspelheim
  • Chandalir, Shi’ar home world
  • Deep space

Who's In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #19

- Phoenix
- Lady Thor, Jane Foster
- Quentin Quire
- Prince Thor Odinson
- Sharra
- K'ythri
- Shadrak
- Asgardians
- Shi'ar Imperial Guard
- Cul Borson
- Volstagg
- Rosalind Solomon, SHIELD
- Loki
- Malekith
- Thori
- Mangog

The Big Question for Next Issue

What is the Mangog?

They say that once it is awoken, nothing that lives, nothing that breathes, can hope to stay its wrath.

Narrator about Mangog

Who Will Like The Mighty Thor #19?

Long-time fans of Prince Thor and the Marvel Asgard mythos will be excited by this issue’s full page cliff hanger. Quentin Quire has a solid arc in this story, but, if memory services, it’s quickly forgotten over in the X-men.

I Need More Content like The Mighty Thor #19

If you are wondering where Prince Thor has been during the last 19 issues of the Mighty Thor, you can learn the details of his adventures by reading The Unworthy Thor mini-series.  Thor goes on a cosmic quest encountering friends and movie favorite villains along the way.  The creative team on The Unworthy Thor is Jason Aaron and Olivier Coipel (and others).

As a follow-up read on what happens to the Phoenix Force, look for Jean Grey Vol. 1 Nightmare Fuel by Dennis Hopeless and Victor Ibanez.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

This is an absolutely satisfactory conclusion to this multipart story. Heroes won the day. Villains were punished. We get a party on Asgardia. All this and the return of Prince Thor Odinson. Buy it.

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