
Comic Book Review

The Mighty Thor #18

Published On: by Marvel


Artist: Russell Dauterman

Colorist: Matt Wilson

Letterer: VC's Joe Sabino

Mighty Thor 18 Cover

Catch-up on Last Issue

THE ASGARD/SHI’AR WAR GOES FULL-ON PHOENIX! Where the Phoenix goes, lately so does the X-Men’s favorite troublemaker, Quentin Quire! Has the rebel-without-a-cause finally found one, or will he just let the world(s) burn?

In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #18

We have a flashback forward issue with several flashbacks filling in missing parts of the story so far.  Lady Thor and the Asgardians are fighting for their lives and the lives of everyone on earth against the Shi’ar gods.  When it looks like they’ve lost the Challenge of the Gods, – Sharra and K’ythri decide to burn it all down with the help of the Phoenix.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

The b-stories mentioned in this issue are only shown through drawing. Look at the background images in the fire of the Phoenix.  Jane’s cancer, the coming of the Mangog and Valhalla are foreshadowed.

Mighty Thor P10
Mighty Thor P10

The Comic's Themes

Worthiness has been our theme. Sharra and K’ythri give us one last show about why the Shi’ar gods are not worthy.  When it’s clear that they’ve lost, they use their powers to call upon the Phalkon, the Phoenix Force with the intent of destroying enemies and worshipers alike.

How's The Mighty Thor #18's Writing?

The Dialogue

At this point in the story, the dialogue is so good. Jason Aaron knows these characters backwards and forwards.  From Cul’s insults to Hildegarde’s female superiority to Shadrak’s constantly changing titles, it is so much fun to read The Mighty Thor.

Showing Versus Telling

We get tangled in the Marvel comic weeds this issue. Kid Gladiator knows Quentin from another comic.  Quentin is associated with the Phoenix Force (from yet another comic series). There isn’t really time to show us all this backstory so we have a little telling to move us through the action.

The Vibe

The joke of Krakoa popping up randomly and disappearing before being fully observed never gets old.  I could read an entire comic of that joke played out over and over.

Comic Art Review

There aren’t many artists that draw the Phoenix Force well.  Most draw it like a 2-d flat drawing.  To find the best, look at John Byrne (the original), Russell Dauterman, and next issue’s Valerio Schiti. These artists draw the Phoenix as a three-dimensional cosmic force made of fire.  It is glorious to behold.  There’s also a battle between Asgard’s Destroyer and the Phoenix. It ends the only way such a fight could when a metal gnat bothers a star.

The Comic Panel by Panel

As we move into the cliffhanger for The Mighty Thor #17, check out the panel borders.  They are on fire and burning.  It’s such a great touch of creativity to have the very panels themselves be on fire as the Phoenix comes to destroy the Asgardians. Bravo.

Mighty Thor 18 P9
Mighty Thor 18 P9

World Building

In addition to our usual locations (Chandilar space and M’kraan), we add the Isle of Krakoa.

Who's In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #18

- Quentin Quire
- Krakoa
- Kid Gladiator
- Deathbird
- Lady Thor
- Sif
- Cul Borson
- Gladiator
- Sharra
- K'ythri
- Shadrak
- Hildegarde
- The Phoenix Force

The Big Question for Next Issue

How is Lady Thor and Quentin going to stop the rampaging Phoenix Force?

Nothing can destory the Phoenix because the Phoenix is destruction.

Quentin to Lady Thor

Who Will Like The Mighty Thor #18?

Fans of the Phoenix Force need to pick up this issue and consider it the first of three parts of a myth building Phoenix story.  Too many of Marvel’s Phoenix tales are just rehashing the fall of Jean Grey.  Jason Aaron gives us something fresh with the Phoenix, and it’s so good.

I Need More Content like The Mighty Thor #18

You can learn about Quentin’s connection to the Phoenix force in All New X-men and X-men: Battle of the Atom.  Future Quentin is the bearer of the Phoenix Force.

To fill-in details about Krakoa, read House of X.  The Living Island has a new purpose in modern Marvel comics.

Kid Gladiator hung out with Quentin Quire in Wolverine and the X-men when Logan was running the Jean Grey School for Gifted Youngsters.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

It look a long time to get to this point in the story. For those that like linear storytelling, you're not going to be a fan of The Mighty Thor #17. Fans of the Phoenix Force will consider this a must-have comic book.

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