Published On: 2017-02-15 by Marvel
Artist: Russell Dauterman
Colorist: Matt Wilson
Letterer: VC's Joe Sabino
Catch-up on Last Issue
THE ASGARD/SHI’AR WAR HEATS UP! Not all gods are equal, and to prove that they’re the mightiest, the Shi’ar gods infiltrated Asgard and kidnapped Thor and forced her to be a contestant in their Challenge of the Gods. The prize? They won’t kill the people of Midgard. Read our retro recap of The Mighty Thor #15.
In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #16
Sharra and K’ythri have challenged Lady Thor to a contest overseen by an arbiter from Omnipotence City (the same place Lady Thor visited to learn about Mjolnir). They haven’t given Jane much choice in accepting the contest. The first contest takes place on Chandilar. Thor can’t believe her eyes at the challenge and proceeds to break the rules. Keep your eyes on Shadrak, the arbiter. Watch his reactions to the challenge and assume the things he mutters are very important.
What Else Happens in this Comic?
Any b-story or c-story details are just light touches on previous issues. The Congress of Worlds continues to be disfunctional with each faction upset for their own petty reasons. Odin and Freya are still in the healing chambers. The War of the Realms is at the fringes of the World Tree far from Shi’ar space.
The Comic's Themes
We continue on this story arc’s theme of the ‘worthiness of gods’. When Lady Thor confronts the Shi’ar gods for the first time, the theme comes front and center. We’ll also see it play out as Lady Thor and Sharra and K’ythri compete in the contest. Even the discussion between Sif and Cul brings the theme into focus. In general, the gods of the Marvel universe aren’t worthy and this story shows us why.
Collect the Thor
How's The Mighty Thor #16's Writing?
The Dialogue
My favorite scene is the argument between Sif and Cul Borson. The dialogue between the characters is perfect Viking, Asgard, and warrior talk. Check out the comic quote below! Hildegarde speaking in the third person cracks me up every time.
Showing Versus Telling
When it comes to gods in the Marvel Universe, they have wide ranging power sets. Thor is strong. Odin is stronger. Is Odin stronger than Galactus? In The Mighty Thor #16, Jason Aaron shows us how strong – Sharra and K’ythri are by having them beat up Gladiator! It’s the perfect example of using the story to get the point across without a lot of words.
The Vibe
Giant budget, huge blockbuster movie is the only way I can describe The Mighty Thor #16. It’s a mash-up of Star Wars and Avengers movies with great character moments.
Comic Art Review
Russell’s facial expressions in this issue are over the top. The hate and resolve the Warriors Three and Sif have for Cul Borson is visible in their eyes. Cul can’t stand these Asgardians and loathes Lady Thor. Shadrak is dismayed at the destruction caused by Sharra and K’ythri. His entire body language screams sadness and despair. The Shi’ar gods are so smug. Their smiles are always smirks. During the Challenge of the Gods, you can see the terror in the eyes of the Shi’ar citizens as their own gods unleash hell on Chandilar, the Shi’ar throneworld. Lady Thor can barely contain her anger and disbelief as the challenge starts.
- Mighty Thor 16 Cover
- Mighty Thor 16 Cover Alt Jusko
On the Cover
Our primary cover by Russell Dauterman is a trippy Lady Thor versus the Shi’ar Gods. The secondary cover of classic Thor Odinson is by legendary artist Joe Jusko.
The Comic Panel by Panel
Matt’s background coloring on The Mighty Thor #16 is sensational. The M’kraan Palace and the Shi’ar gods glow with power. On Asgardia, the seat of the Congress of Worlds is this orb of energy with floating seats. Sparkles of energy are everywhere. Chandilar has gold skies. The depths of space are Hubble photo worthy.
World Building
This issue we get to go everywhere. We start outside of space and time in the M’krann Cystal palace of Sharra and K’ythri. We move to the ethereal chamber of the Congress of Words. From there, we jump to Cul’s throne room. After visiting Chandilar, the Shi’ar homeworld, we jump to the interior of one of their space ships.
Collect the Thor
Who's In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #16
- Gladiator
- Sharra
- K'ythri
- Kid Gladiator
- Warbird, Ava'Dara Naganandini
- Shadrak, God of Daffodils
- Volstagg
- Members of the Congress of Worlds
- Warriors Three
- Hildegarde
- Shi'ar warriors
The Big Question for Next Issue
How is Lady Thor going to stop the Shi'ar Gods? They are more powerful by a factor of ten.
Collect the Thor
Who Will Like The Mighty Thor #16?
Those Thor super fans that enjoy wide-screen super-hero action with multiple characters will think The Mighty Thor #16 is the best comic ever.
I Need More Content like The Mighty Thor #16
You can find more Joe Jusko artwork on his website. Look for the paintings button to see the artwork.
What was I missing?
There was one element of the MCU movies that I would have liked The Mighty Thor to pick up. The boats in the Thor movies looked hi-tech. It’s odd seeing the Viking wooden ships flying in space. Arrows breaching Shi’ar shields (space ship shields). It pushes on my ability to suspend disbelief.
Should You Buy This Comic Book?
I didn't think The Mighty Thor #14 could be topped. How do you create a better story than the origin of Mjolnir? Jason Aaron and the art team found a way. Give Lady Thor and all of Asgard a cosmic level threat to deal with and let the story unfold. This issue is fantastic. Buy it.