
Comic Book Review

The Mighty Thor #14

Published On: by Marvel


Artist: Steve Epting

Colorist: Frank Martin Jr

Letterer: VC's Joe Sabino

Mighty Thor 14 Cover

Catch-up on Last Issue

In part two, the League of the Realms’ plan to save the Queen has gone sideways. It’s up to Lady Thor to pull the warriors together and defeat Kurse.  See our review of the first part in issue #13 of The Mighty Thor.

In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #14

The League of the Realms botched their rescue attempt and now are fighting the entire Dark Elf army.  Malekith has unleashed the Kurse on Lady Thor.  Can our Asgardian adventuress defeat a being powered by the Beyonder?  For most of the battle, it doesn’t go well for Lady Thor.  She has back-up in the League of the Realms, and Malekith isn’t ready to start the full war just yet.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

Loki is unhappy with his role in the Dark Council.  Malekith knows he can’t trust Loki, but he needs the Asgardian but he needs a powerful lackey to do his worst dirty-work.

Mighty Thor 14 P2
Mighty Thor 14 P2

How's The Mighty Thor #14's Writing?

The Dialogue

After just one scene between Malekith and Lady Waziria, I want more.  I could read entire issues filled with “What in the name of the mother of maggots” and “Algrim the Strong”.  When we pull away from Midgard and deal with purely Nine Realms activity, The Mighty Thor really shines as a fantasy adventure comic.

Showing Versus Telling

We start issue #14 of the Mighty Thor with a flashback about how Kurse came into being. Jason Aaron could have told us about it through pages of dialogue, but instead Steve Epting and Jason Aaron show us how it came to be. This is how comics are supposed to be done.

The Vibe

It’s a giant Marvel movie style epic conclusion to the two part story. Picture unlimited budget cgi action with our heroes out of their depth but still working for the win.

Comic Art Review

I feel like Steve Epting’s art really came into focus with this second issue.  We have strong facial expressions. Check out Malekith’s evil smile, Queen Aelsa’s despair or Loki’s loathing for what he is seeing done to the Light Elves.   There’s creatures and Roz flying SHIELD style.  The fight between Kursed and Lady Thor is brutal.   Last issue we have a full page shot of the League of the Realms.  There’s another in The Mighty Thor #14 and this team shot is the one you’ll want as a poster for the office.  The last panels of the issue between Queen Aelsa and Lady Thor are poetic.

The Comic Panel by Panel

There is a lot of fantastic panel work in this issue.

  • Diagonal panels
  • Round panels
  • Action directing panels
  • Wide-screen scene building panels

Frank Martin and Joe Sabino add to the visual style of the entire issue with sound effects and colors that compliment and enhance Steve Epting’s artwork.

We get the full package, and I would have liked to see more issues from this art team.

Mighty Thor 14 P1
Mighty Thor 14 P1

World Building

We start with a flashback to Nastron Prison in the realm of Niffleheim before returning to the present and the land of the Light Elves.

Who's In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #14

- Spiders of Hel
- Lady Waziria
- Malekith
- Queen Aelsa
- Loki
- League of the Realms
- Kurse

The Big Question for Next Issue

Who is Lady Waziria and will she be forever cursed to wear the mantle of Kursed?

We are Hel. For monsters like you. On this day. And all the ones that will ever follow.

Thor to Kurse and Malekith

I Need More Content like The Mighty Thor #14

Need more Steve Epting artwork?  The best place to visit is his website at www.steveepting.net.  It hasn’t been updated in a bit, but you’ll still see fantastic artwork by the Eisner award winner.

What was I missing?

Was Malekith breathing laser fire?  Adding laser eyes to the laser breath would have created a stronger visual.  That or keep the energy looking like it did during the kiss with floaty swirls and clouds.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

Jumping into the second year of an ongoing comic can't be easy, but Steve Epting and Frank Martin created an epic conclusion to this two part story. Buy issues The Mighty Thor issues thirteen and fourteen together and read them as one complete story. You'll enjoy it much more than single issues.

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