
Comic Book Review

The Mighty Thor #10

Published On: by Marvel


Artist: Russell Dauterman

Colorist: Matt Wilson

Letterer: VC's Joe Sabino

Mighty Thor 10 Cover Fun

Catch-up on Last Issue

The Agger Imperative threatens New York City.  Agent Solomon and Lady Thor are chasing Midas and the Silver Samurai who are using the catastrophe as cover to break into Roxxon’s vaults.  See our full recap of The Might Thor #9.

In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #10

We have a bunch a of plotlines coming to a close in The Mighty Thor #10. Exterminatrix and Silver Samurai’s attack on Roxxon culminates this issue.  The SHIELD agents confront Lady Thor with more evidence about her secret identity.  Agent Solomon’s mission to find the One Percent pushes her into a rescue of Dario Agger. Agger’s battle of the wills with the Exterminatrix breaks into a physical altercation.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

Back in The Mighty Thor #7, we were introduced to Bodolf the Viking.  Bodolf made a deal with Loki to become the strongest Viking.  In The Mighty Thor #10, we have the pay-off to that two issue story.  Welcome Roxxon’s Viking Hulks — Strikeforce B.E.R.S.E.R.K.E.R — to the battle with Midas and Silver Samurai.

Mighty Thor 10 Page 4
Mighty Thor 10 Page 4

How's The Mighty Thor #10's Writing?

The Dialogue

The peptalk the Roxxon rep gives to the Berserkers is glorious.  It’s part football pre-game speech mixed with ‘for king and country’.  The Berserkers eat it up and then hulk out. Their speech patterns matching their ferociousness.

Showing Versus Telling

For a Light Elf, Sir Ivory Honeyshot is dark.  Maybe it’s the War of the Realms that’s brought out his dark side. The intro is exposition heavy, but it catches us up on the state of affairs in the other Realms.  Malekith hasn’t been seen in The Mighty Thor lately, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been busy.

The Vibe

Pick your action adventure movie and you’ve nailed the style of The Mighty Thor #10.  It’s action from cover to cover.

  • Fisticuffs
  • Gun fights
  • Hammer time
  • Car crashes
  • Bull fights

Comic Art Review

In addition to all the other great features of Russell Dauterman’s artwork, focus your attention on all the facial expressions throughout the issue. Agger has a face of pure willful defiance. We can’t see her face, but the body language and eyes show us Exterminatrix’s playfulness.  Roz Solomon has a lot to do this issue, and her face expresses her emotions throughout. It’s in the eyes as her mission is about to fail.  Look at Sir Ivory Honeyshot’s absolute disgust with the Dark Elf.

The Comic Panel by Panel

At this point in The Mighty Thor, non-standard panels have become the norm.  This issue we add several perspective views and layered panels (with action in the fore, middle and backgrounds).

There’s a lot of gunfire in this SHIELD heavy issue and VC’s Joe Sabino uses lettering to make the gun sounds visceral and gruesome.   It sounds odd to descript the lettering that way, but once you’ve read the issue it will make perfect sense.

Matt Wilson has many opportunities in The Mighty Thor #10 to showcase his coloring skills.  We have magic power, lightning, rainbow energy, and gold transitions.  It’s all beautiful to behold.

Mighty Thor 10 Page 6
Mighty Thor 10 Page 6

World Building

The issue starts in Alfheim. Check out the trees and the environment. Roxxon’s flying base is impressive in scale and style.  A SHIELD helicarrier is always something important to note.

Who's In This Issue of The Mighty Thor #10

- Sir Ivory Honeyshot
- Mindless Ones
- Silver Samurai
- Agent Roz Solomon
- Oubliette Midas, Exterminatrix
- Dario Agger
- SHIELD Agents

The Big Question for Next Issue

How did she... Spoilers...

Gold is no match for Uru. This I swear.

Lady Thor

Who Will Like The Mighty Thor #10?

If you are digging the War of the Realms build-up, this is a must have issue as it explains what came before and gives us clues to future events.  Agents of SHIELD should pick up this issue. Agent Roz Solomon and the investigators have significant scenes.  Lady Thor fans should not pass up this issue. Jane and Mjolnir display several new powers (and they are great to see).

I Need More Content like The Mighty Thor #10

Find more Natacha Bustos artwork on her Flickr account.

Russell Dauterman’s Tumblr has a lot of behind the scenes and ‘how to’ process art.  This Tumblr page is about The Mighty Thor #10.

What was I missing?

Despite being billed as a ‘martial artist in Iron Man armor’ Silver Samurai doesn’t do much in The Mighty Thor #10.   Assuming his armor was Iron Man level, I would have liked to see him attack the SHIELD helicarrier single-handedly.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

There are ordinary cliffhangers and then there's the cliffhanger in The Mighty Thor #10. No one could have seen this coming, and I'm at a loss to explain what's happening! Can't wait for next issue.

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