
Comic Book Review

Le Fay #1

Published On: by Evoluzione


Artist: Miguel Angel Ruiz

Colorist: Vittorio Astone

Letterer: Justin Birch

Lefay 1 Cover

Catch-up on Last Issue

From the Evoluzione Publishing Gumroad page, “Morgan Le Fay was one of the most powerful fay. After a battle with Merlin, she woke up powerless in the modern world. Determined to get her powers back, she has decided to work as a PI for the Fay World in order to find clues on what happened to her.”

In This Issue of Le Fay #1

The witches of the Triple Moon ask Morgan to investigate a murder.  Although it looks like a straight forward killing, things quickly escalate as Morgan uncovers who committed the murder.  She doesn’t know why yet and figuring it out may kill her for good this time.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

The witches of the Triple Moon didn’t wake Morgan out of kindness.  They have plans for Morgan Le Fay and aren’t telling her the entire truth.  Plus the Triple Moon aren’t the only supernatural crowd out to get Morgan.

Lefay 1 P5
Lefay 1 P5

The Comic's Themes

Morgan’s character arc could be one of self-redemption or maybe just climbing the winding way until she is a power in the world again.  There’s a lot of self-discovery as Morgan uncovers the lies she tells herself just to make it through each day.

How's Le Fay #1's Writing?

The Dialogue

Marcel Dupree and Joshua Metzger write the story from Morgan’s perspective.  She has a chip on her shoulder but a keen eye for details.  Her internal monologues keep the story moving and give us insight into Morgan’s current frame of mind.

Showing Versus Telling

There is plenty of action in the first issue of Le Fay.  Even the flashbacks are filled with panel to panel action.  It was a good way to dump the reader into the comic and keep our interest.

The Vibe

The Kickstarter is pulling a lot on the Jessica Jones vibe of this comic, and I think it’s a fair pull.  Although we the reader know more than Morgan, it’s a solid murder mystery with plenty of supernatural elements mixed in.

Comic Art Review

Miguel Angel Ruiz has a cartoon style that borders on realistic.  The first thing I noticed were the character designs.  They are absolutely top notch.  The second thing I noticed was we have realistic proportioned heroes and villains.  Everyone isn’t working out at the gym five days a week, but they are beautiful all the same.  Billy would give Magnum a run for best shirt on a private investigator.

The Comic Panel by Panel

Most of the pages are standard four and five panels.  I like it for a first issue as we aren’t trying to learn a new visual page style.  With everything else we need to process, standard panels was the wisest choice.  The colors by Vittorio Astone make the pages pop.  We have light based shading throughout the issue.

Justin Birch, Ringo nominated letterer, does great sound effects.  We also have multiple word balloon types.  You don’t have to guess who’s speaking.

Lefay 1 P8
Lefay 1 P8

World Building

We start in Camelot.  Move on to The Triple Moon’s lair.  Investigate the scene of a murder in rural England before coming back to a nondescript warehouse where Jack makes a mess.

Who's In This Issue of Le Fay #1

- Morgan Le Fay
- Merlin
- Triple Moon
- Wicked Jenny Greenteeth
- Black Agnes
- Tilly Baldrey
- Billy Blynde, the Hobgoblin
- Spring-heeled Jack

The Big Question for Next Issue

What's in the box?

I used to be somebody. Hard to believe now, but I really was.

Morgan to a stranger

Who Will Like Le Fay #1?

Fans of the Dresden Files or Jessica Jones will immediately find themselves on familiar and enjoyable territory with Le Fay #1.  The investigator in a fairy world works as a story telling device.

I Need More Content like Le Fay #1

Scroll through Miguel Angel Ruiz’s Instagram and you’ll immediately see this artist is a rockstar.  The gallery has all your favorite characters.  Check out all the alternate covers for Le Fay.  The Star Wars cross-over covers are so much fun.

More Reviews

Le Fay #2

What was I missing?

I shouldn’t have been surprised.  It was right on the label “Classic Mature Urban Fantasy.”  Whoosh, I wasn’t prepared for everything in Le Fay #1.  I could have used a safe for work version.  The previews to the other comics by Evoluzione Publishing had even more NSFW content.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

I'm a huge fan of the Dresden Files and Le Fay was cut from the same mold. Evoluzione Publishing has a Kickstarter to collect the four issues of Le Fay into a trade. If the rest of the issues are this good, it will be worth your money. Try issues 1 and 2 of Le Fay for free from Gumroad. There's nothing better than free, downloadable pdf files with no DRM.

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