
Comic Book Review

Once and Future #26

Published On: by Boom Studios


Artist: Dan Mora

Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain

Letterer: Ed Dukeshire

Oncefuture 26 Cover C Variant Undressed

Catch-up on Last Issue

In a desperate move, Grace called up the spirit of Robin Hood and his Merry Men to confound the kings Arthur.  After a series of quick victories, using Sherwood Forest, Duncan, Rose and Grace time traveled. See our full review of Once and Future #25.

In This Issue of Once and Future #26

With Robin and the Merry Men’s help, our team was able to slow down the Kings.  There’s a fair bit of time jumping, and we learn through a series of flashbacks all the terrible things that have happened to Duncan and Rose.   Our enemies have also been busy as we move into the next phase of Bridgette’s plan.

What Else Happens in this Comic?

We have a few sub-plots happening in Once and Future #26.

Elaine is running her own game back at the Grail Castle. Lancelot has joined her and is proving to be the ultimate hero. Can Elaine save her Galahad, the one corrupted by Merlin?

The Green Knight has made himself known again and reminded Rose that they have a combat date.

Merlin is out there and planning something to change his role in the story.

Oncefuture 26 3
Oncefuture 26 3

The Comic's Themes

This issue seems to be about destiny.  Can we choose our own path or is there something bigger influencing what we do.  Gran has a plan, but Otherworld doesn’t seem to be cooperating.  The meta-story is dictating something else happens.  Can our heroes defy the story and alter their own fates?

How's Once and Future #26's Writing?

The Dialogue

Kieron Gillen’s dialogue is so good.  Every word and phrase is a gem.  When it comes time to pull a single good quote from Once and Future #26, it’s difficult to find just one.  Every character has a unique voice and the dialogue propels the plot forward.

Showing Versus Telling

We have a prime example of a comic running out of time and trying to jam in as much extra stuff as possible by telling us about it.  When Duncan and Rose are sharing a beautiful dinner together, we get a montage of flashbacks that happened between issues 25 and 26.  All of of these flashbacks could have been an issue by itself.  Rather than showing us these stories, we are told about them.  I’m glad for the information but disappointed we didn’t get issues 25a, 25b, 25c.

Comic Art Review

Dan Mora is the master of facial expressions.  From Rose’s and Duncan’s shocked eyes to Bridgette’s sneaky smiles, every panel is filled with little important things that inform the story.  There’s a fair bit of world building this issue.  Look at all the different Otherworld locations and monster designs.  They all fit the design aesthetic of Once and Future.  The ice table and chairs may be my favorite scene in the entire series.

The Comic Panel by Panel

Once you’ve processed the primary figures of every panel, do your best to focus on the backgrounds and scene environments. Tamra Bonvillian’s colors bring the environments to life adding depth and location cues.  From frozen tables to woodland pastures, every panel is beautiful.

Ed Dukeshire’s word balloons have a lot to do in this issue.  Ignore the brilliant words in each balloon for a moment. Look at the way the balloons are linked together and help you move through each panel without losing a beat in the storytelling.

Oncefuture 26 8
Oncefuture 26 8

World Building

  • Sherwood Forest
  • Grail Castle
  • Glastonbury, Concert
  • Margate, Otherworld

Who's In This Issue of Once and Future #26

- Bridgette
- Duncan
- Rose
- Rose's Dad
- Robin Hood
- Elaine
- Lancelot
- Jack
- Green Knight

The Big Question for Next Issue

Who will be the one true king?

If you have to be in hell, it's better to be in hell together.

Rose to Duncan

Who Will Like Once and Future #26?

Fans of the Arthurian knights will want to pick up this issue. We have the Green Knight, Lancelot and Galahad with significant scenes.

I Need More Content like Once and Future #26

Digging the Jorge Corona artwork?  Check out his DeviantArt and Instagram pages for more artwork.  He was also the artist on ‘The Me You Love in the Dark‘.  It’s a fabulous horror series.

Should You Buy This Comic Book?

We needed a pause in the action to recap and plant seeds for the final act. That was this issue. Flipping through the pages, it wasn't all talking heads, but it felt like it. The ominous cliffhanger promises to shake things up. Buy this issue to find out what happened and be prepared for next issue.

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